SuperWASP Blog

The VeSPA data release archive

01 October 2021, by Adam McMaster in Variable Stars

This week I added a new Data Releases page to the website. This is where you can download an export of every version of the VeSPA data, so that each version is permanently available even after the main VeSPA catalogue has been updated with new Zooniverse classifications.

Each data release will also have a DOI via Zenodo. This allows researchers to cite the exact data release they used in any research they publish. A copy of each data release is also archived on the Zenodo website in perpetuity.

It’s important when research is published that the original data behind that research is also made available. This allows other researchers to reproduce the original results and to build on them for their own work. Keeping a permanent copy of each version of the data helps to achieve this.

We’re planning to publish new data releases every six months, so keep an eye out for the next one some time in February!


The SuperWASP project is currently funded and operated by Warwick University and Keele University, and was originally set up by Queen’s University Belfast, the Universities of Keele, St. Andrews and Leicester, the Open University, the Isaac Newton Group, the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, the South African Astronomical Observatory and by STFC.

The Zooniverse project on SuperWASP Variable Stars is led by Andrew Norton (The Open University) and builds on work he has done with his former postgraduate students Les Thomas, Stan Payne, Marcus Lohr, Paul Greer, and Heidi Thiemann, and current postgraduate student Adam McMaster.

The Zooniverse project on SuperWASP Variable Stars was developed with the help of the ASTERICS Horizon2020 project. ASTERICS is supported by the European Commission Framework Programme Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action under grant agreement n.653477

VeSPA was designed and developed by Adam McMaster as part of his postgraduate work. This work is funded by STFC, DISCnet, and the Open University Space SRA. Server infrastructure was funded by the Open University Space SRA.