
RA 13h03m23.28s
Dec 5d29m29.7s
Minimum Magnitude 11.43
Maximum Magnitude 10.84
Mean Magnitude 11.11
Amplitude 0.59
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Note: Some objects may not exist in external catalogues.

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 6 hours

Period (sec) 24368.35547
Majority Classification EW
Classification count 7
Folding flag Uncertain
Sigma 4.91
Chi Squared 21.99

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 8 hours

Period (sec) 29990.66797
Majority Classification Unknown
Classification count 7
Folding flag Certain
Sigma 5.16
Chi Squared 32.46

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 9 hours

Period (sec) 32491.23242
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Half
Sigma 4.74
Chi Squared 31.19

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 9 hours

Period (sec) 35444.20703
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Half
Sigma 4.93
Chi Squared 34.61

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 10 hours

Period (sec) 37045.24609
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Uncertain
Sigma 3.54
Chi Squared 43.74

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 10 hours

Period (sec) 38988.30469
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Uncertain
Sigma 4.97
Chi Squared 45.5

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 15 hours

Period (sec) 55699.90234
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 8
Folding flag Half
Sigma 5.2
Chi Squared 71.58

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 18 hours

Period (sec) 64981.94141
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Half
Sigma 5.11
Chi Squared 74.49

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at a day

Period (sec) 129971.32031
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 7
Folding flag Half
Sigma 5.46
Chi Squared 204.6

1SWASPJ130323.28+052929.7 folded at 2 days

Period (sec) 194900.46875
Majority Classification EA/EB
Classification count 5
Folding flag Uncertain
Sigma 4.54
Chi Squared 191.37


The SuperWASP project is currently funded and operated by Warwick University and Keele University, and was originally set up by Queen’s University Belfast, the Universities of Keele, St. Andrews and Leicester, the Open University, the Isaac Newton Group, the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, the South African Astronomical Observatory and by STFC.

The Zooniverse project on SuperWASP Variable Stars is led by Andrew Norton (The Open University) and builds on work he has done with his former postgraduate students Les Thomas, Stan Payne, Marcus Lohr, Paul Greer, and Heidi Thiemann, and current postgraduate student Adam McMaster.

The Zooniverse project on SuperWASP Variable Stars was developed with the help of the ASTERICS Horizon2020 project. ASTERICS is supported by the European Commission Framework Programme Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation action under grant agreement n.653477

VeSPA was designed and developed by Adam McMaster as part of his postgraduate work. This work is funded by STFC, DISCnet, and the Open University Space SRA. Server infrastructure was funded by the Open University Space SRA.